On 4/26/2021 5:30 PM, George Metz wrote:
First you say "not at all" and then you say "stop complying". If your employees stop complying with the orders coming from the angry men with guns held to said employees' heads, someone's going to get shot - and it's going to be the telecom employees. That's significantly more than a financial hardship and I cannot grasp how you think it could possibly be otherwise.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last post on this for me... Dang this went off the rails fast! The main point was 'when you're thinking you're having a bad day think about what these network operators are going through', but you and Mel seemed to have missed that part. Additionally, I did not mean the -employees- should say no to the gunmen. That's ridiculous to think I meant they should die for internet connectivity to remain on! I meant the -companies- should stop facilitating the repression by complying "...with numerous demands from the military, including instructions to cut off the internet each night for the past week, and block specific websites, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram." This means the companies should stop selling to the military there. But that was an aside to the above. I can pass packets pretty well, but the evidence seems to show I am a pretty crappy communicator. scott