Hank Nussbacher wrote,
I really like Google. I like what they do. But lately, their security team is a joke. I had a problem with their POP Gmail service and the advise I got from their Gmail team was to turn off my CA EZ antivirus and my ZApro firewall and to try again and see if the problem repeats itself. For a moment I thought it was an April 1st joke.
When playing with Gmail or Ggroups - try to find a link to report abuse or a security problem (yes - one exists - but not one that is easy to find from Gmail or Ggroups).
I attribute it to size - when one gets big enough - one truly believes
gravity is affected by your company. Unless Google shapes up, they will quickly find out what happens to large, cumbersome, and clueless companies.
Well I am not a DNS expert but why Google have the primary gmail MX record without load balancing and all secondaries are sharing the same priority level. I have a server that relay usenet messages to my gmail account and here is a week worth of stats showing how google mail servers are handling incoming mails: Total Number of messages sent to gmail: 1945 messages of which: 1888 (97%) messages were gated through Gmail's Primary mail server (gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com). 21 messages were gated through Gmails Secondary (gsmtp171.google.com) 13 messages were gated through Gmail's Secondary (gsmtp171-2.google.com) 10 messages were gated through Gmail's Secondary (gsmtp185-2.google.com). So in short, 97% of the email was delivered through the primary while the secondaries only served 3%. My question why they do not make all mail servers at the same priority level instead of current which load balance the Secondaries only. BTW mx records for google gmail are: MX 5 gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com. MX 10 gsmtp171.google.com. MX 10 gsmtp185.google.com. MX 10 gsmtp171-2.google.com. MX 10 gsmtp185-2.google.com. MX 20 gsmtp57.google.com. each have 1 minute TTL. -aljuhani