There is a huge detent at /48 other than the perennial operational pontification from on high by the gods of the ietf (brought to us by the folk who brought us the wonderful TLA, NLA, etc. classfulness++), could you elucidate? From one angle, last time I looked, the RIRs were converging on that as acceptable minimum for a single PI allocation.
look again
/48 is a large enough block that single site however you choose to define that, is not going to have to renumber out of it due to inability to subnet.
one: as smb says, no amount turns out to be enough in the long run two: my point is that, for the reasonably forseable future, hard to see need for more than 256 routing segments needed by an end consumer site
If you mean there's no detent between /48 and /56 wouldn't you a wholesale operator determine that based on the need and guidance from your rir?
you said there was a huge detent at /48. i am trying to see how you got there. excuse my density, but i still can not.
If you're asking why ipng doesn't incorporate the lessons of cidr (they're both responses to the same problem), then you tell me, you were there and I was in high-school.
expedience and politics ruled over prudent engineering. classic tvtf. randy