Over the past couple of days, some person or group has been sending out thousands of SPAMs through open relays using random @enterzone.net addresses as the FROM address. This is NOT happening through our mailservers, nor is it happening from any VALID enterzone.net account. Thus far, the following servers have been identified as having been used to relay the SPAM: dialupFF60.mpls.uswest.net (answers as mail.pmhadv.com on 25) The list just keeps on growing. Logs from those who run these mailservers would be appreciated. We plan on pursuing this legally. We're not sure if this SPAM run is still underway but, I want to stress the fact that this is NOT originating from our mailservers, nor from any of our customers. Feel free to run our mailservers through whichever relay-tests you like to verify. We do so weekly. --- John Fraizer EnterZone, Inc