* tv@duh.org (Todd Vierling) [Tue 01 Mar 2005, 19:18 CET]:
On Tue, 1 Mar 2005 Michael.Dillon@radianz.com wrote: [..]
These core operators sign up to a multilateral mail peering agreement and provide email transit services for other operators.
The next layer is the non-core email service providers who have bilateral mail peering agreements with one or more core email transport providers.
Contrary to what you said before, this *IS* the UUCP model in a nutshell. It has been done before, it does not scale, and it does not fit the way business works today.
It looks more like the way the GPRS roaming world has been set up by a few telcos. I don't think that's how you necessarily want to shape your e-mail roaming agreements, let alone *all* e-mail exchanges. -- Niels. -- The idle mind is the devil's playground