What's been bothering me is that Sprint is filtering at /19 in 206/8 but just allocated me a /21 out of 206/8. Since my largest customer is leaning on me to multi-home, and since I view Sprint's filtering as indicative of what others are likely to do RSN, I begged Sprint to allocate a block the size of the smallest block they would route if I had gotten it from another NSP.
Is it unfair to ask Sprint to make allocations based on its own filtering policies?
When I multihome and Pennsauken is down, will Sprint's filtering cut me off from access to other Sprint customers via my alternative path?
Ah, a reason why Sprint's filters are self-defeating. You would be better off leaving sprint now, and going to a different provider. Use a /21 out of another provider's CIDR block. If at a later date you decide to multi-home with sprint, sprint's filters only effect small inbound blocks. Sprint is more than happy to spew little blocks (so much for 'saving the global Internet'). I've hear of a lot of crazy ideas from other NSP's, but not a peep of any other NSP following Sprint's lead on filtering. But suppose other NSP's did decide to start filtering in the future, that's another reason to get your own CIDR blocks from the InterNIC ASAP. If you hadn't waited this long, you could have gotten a block in 192/8 - 205/8, and wouldn't have to worry about Sprint's filtering in 206/8. Yes, it is perverse that the people most harmed are those that patiently follow the 'rules.' It is unfortunate that the IANA and NIC policies seem to be creating a system that encourages people to jump to the front of the line. But folks, there seems to be nothing to gain, and a lot to lose by being a good net citizen. You don't get any brownie points for being a nice guy. You just get ignored. -- Sean Donelan, Data Research Associates, Inc, St. Louis, MO Affiliation given for identification not representation