NetSurfer writes:
If you think $50 is bad, just wait and see if the $20,000/year/domain
In a private e-mail message, I replied:
Please stop spreading vicous unsubstantiated rumors, Mr. NetSurfer. No one has proposed any "$20,000/year/domain" charges.
NetSurfer writes:
The following is from Computer Reseller News, 720 dated 1/20/97, page 7:
"Vars Concerned over IP Payment Plan", by Sam Masud, Washington
... 8< snip "The registry would have ISP's pay annual fees between $2,000 and $20,000, depending on the amount of IP space bought. Web site owvers would be slapped with a one-time fee of $2,500 to $10,000.. Network Solutions Inc., a vendor charged with allocating Internet addresses through a division called InterNIC, said the registry proposal is up for comment but could be implemented within three to six months following discussion." ...
I did NOT make this up or base it on unsubstantiated rumor.
As I said in my private reply to you, no one has proposed any $20,000/year/domain charges. The article that you have quoted, while itself a misrepresentation of the ARIN proposal, has nothing at all to do with domain names, the subject that prompted your original message. Whether your intention was to incite fear, or if you simply do not understand the distinction between domain names and IP address blocks, your message was unsubstantiated nonetheless. Also, I should have mentioned this in my original reply to you, but It was no accident that my reply to you was private, and not addressed to nanog. This is not a nanog issue, as it has no bearing on North American Network Operations. If you wish to discuss this topic, feel free to join the mailing list specifically devoted to this, naipr@internic.net. Subscription instructions should be available at the ARIN website, http://www.arin.net/, but I think that the standard practice of sending a message to "naipr-request@lists.internic.net" with the word "subscribe" in the body should suffice. -SteveK
#include <standard.disclaimer> _ __ __ _____ ____ / | / /__ / /_/ ___/__ _______/ __/__ _____ / |/ / _ \/ __/\__ \/ / / / ___/ /_/ _ \/ ___/ / /| / __/ /_ ___/ / /_/ / / / __/ __/ /
BTW: It is customary to prefix signatures with the string "\n-- \n", such that mail user agents can skip over them. Unless, of course, that cool banner is part of your content. ----- 8< snip
Fixed - thanks!
-- Steve Kann i/o 360 digital design 841 Broadway, Suite 502 PGP 1024/C0145E05 F2 D6 24 83 9E 52 9A 61 AA BB 97 61 5C A1 B8 CE Personal:stevek@SteveK.COM Business: stevek@io360.com