
They are linked now, but when I looked this morning before the 
talk started, there wasn't a link to the slides.  ^_^;;

Thanks for getting them put up!   :)


On Wed, Feb 10, 2021 at 10:12 AM Valerie Wittkop <> wrote:
Ahem… slides are linked… you must click on the talk title under the “Topic” column of the agenda.



Valerie Wittkop - NANOG Program Director
305 E. Eisenhower Pkwy, Suite 100, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Tel: +1 866 902 1336, ext 103

On Feb 10, 2021, at 12:59 PM, Matthew Petach <> wrote:

It was mentioned in the chat this morning that 
there was no link to slides or anything on the agenda 
for the community meeting that happened this morning,
so I offered to share the notes I was jotting down during 
the meeting, to give an idea of what was covered for those 
in timelines not as friendly to the meeting time, or to those 
with conflicts.  ^_^;

Thanks so much to the staff, Elizabeth, Steve, and Ed 
for the great presentations this morning!


2021.02.10 NANOG81 community meeting

Speaker Edward McNair, NANOG
Steve Feldman, ViacomCBS
Elizabeth Culley, Comcast

Michael Voity kicks off the meeting at 0901 hours Pacific time 
to go over the agenda for the day.

special announcements:
fill out surveys!  The PC reads all of them!
And if you're a lucky winner, you'll get a
$100 gift card!

Looking for presentation proposals for NANOG82!

check out sponsors at virtual expo both;
sponsors have stepped up to the challenge
with interesting offerings.

first talk today is hosted by edward mcnair, 
with Elizabeth Culley and Steve Feldman.

Ed Mcnair has been with nanog since 2005, and
has been ED since 2018;

Steve has been contributing to nanog since its
inception since 1994, and has been involved with
PC for the last 20 years.

Elizabeth Culley is peering coordinator with
comcast, and is completing her first year on
the PC; this is her first time presenting to

welcome edward, steve and elizabeth, it's
great to have you here.

Edward takes a few moments to give some updates
on the organization;
strategic plan narrowed to 3 areas;
meeting experience,
online collaboration,

another piece built out is the strategic 
encompasses from NANOG73 to NANOG 85.
purpose is to see what we are aiming to
achieve and what we will put forward.
we always like to hear your comments,
there is a feedback button that goes to
NANOG staff, and he reads them all.

Take a moment to honor the nanog staff;
counting himself, there are 6.5 staff
members, as Claudia works with them 
Claudia, Leigh, Valerie, Shawn, Darrieux (Dee), and Brandi
all work very hard to ensure that we can have
a quality program.

Our 2020 annual report will be coming out
soon; to give a linear record of what we've
accompished over the course of 2020;

we'll do polls at the end of the section;

log into the polls at

Over to Steve feldman;
at end of every NANOG, there is a Program commitee
get together; after SF, decided to have retreat in 2020;
planned to do it in Boston or Seattle; but then
things changed, and they couldn't get together in person;
so they had a virtual retreat, 2 days, dec 16 2020,
and jan 13 2021 to go over various items.

some of the items covered:
PC structure
new member onboarding
 PC handbook update
 review roles, responsibliities
  need to document them better
 are we optiimizing our effort?
 some don't seem to do much.
 will add some new ones.
diversity of skills and perspectives
 need to get people who have different
 industry perspectives.

other topics at virutal retreat
meeting format
 how to do hybrid meetings
 we optimize time for training and tutorial
 we focus on human interaction; need to accomodate people 
  in different timezones.
talk solicitation and selection
 attracting new speakers
 expanding the audience
 standardize voting
 content review
PC's strategic vision.

Liz, chairing our data analysis effort;
for past 20 years, we've been building a
repository of tracks, tutorials, keynote speeches,
lightning talks;
we have a long history of hosting the voices of
those building the internet.
what comes up in NANOG is often in the leading edge
of technology trends; 
this effort will be to mine the repository,
to help us keep up with the onslaught of demand.

cataloging NANOG;
we are recording the details of every presentation,
tutoria and keynote;
tagging each record with relevant metadata
 provide intuitive web page of popular topics
 porovide data to potential speakers on history of any topic
  which topics are asked for most often
  which videos are most viewed.

use surveys and data on view counts to project
topics that will be of most interest.

looking at last 5 years of NANOG data;
how many times this topic 
44 topics on DNS
40 requests for automation, but 26 talks on automation
Geoff Huston comes up a lot
look at how many times talks are viewed on youtube;
27K views of 44 DNS talks on youtube;
26 automation videos got 77K views.

A lot of people would say they're experts in a field;
how can they talk about their job when it's 100%
proprietary, and they can't talk about their day
take a look at the request counts, how many presentations
we get, so even doing a 101 intro class is a great way to
get your feet wet.

66% of presentations are on top 20 subjects.
115 categoreis in presentations and requests match
the survey requests.

if we watched all the talks and presentations, 8 hours
a day, it woud take 8 weeks to watch the all
550 prsentations, 357 speakers, 218 organizations.
90% of speakers present 1 or 2 times.

looking forward; want to give huge thanks to 
Jeff Bartig, Anna Valsami, and Valerie Wittkop
for doing the work to move it forwrd;
and thank you to PC for creating the new data 
analysis committee, and providing the sunlight 
and support to make this a reality.
we have 1300 recorded and tagged;
we expect 2100 items; easy part is done, now we're
getting into the hard part.
Jeff Bartig wrote scripts to download from youtube;
there's a lot of stuff in agendas that have to be gone
through one at a time.
in midst of the project; would love to hear from you;
what else would you like to see?

now, for polls--what topic would you like to see?
and you can always put feedback in the web feedback
Seems that Geoff Huston, IPv6, Automation, Cloud,
Virtualization are hot topics!

are you planning to attend minnapolis nanog82 in 
most are undecided or will attend virtually.

most seem to lean to attending virtually.

likewise for toronto, nanog83

it looks like most people are waiting for vaccines to 
be available before they will come.  So far, most 
have not yet taken the vaccine, but also most are
planning to take the vaccine once they are able to.

Over to you, Michael;

Thank you to Edward, Steve and Elizabeth for their time.

Network Automation treasure hunt without a map is up next.