Brandon Ross wrote:
The solution to the problems posted in this thread about ARIN is fairly simple. It's time to deregulate the IP address market and convert to a free market approach to allocating IP addresses. If address space could be bought and sold on a free market you would no longer have to justify your address space to anyone, saving untold amount of resources and costs pulling these reports together. Of course, address space wouldn't be wasted the way it is today by organizations that hoard it, or by companies that go out of business because it would make sound financial sense to sell what you don't need.
I am sure Microsoft would love to have this implemented. For them to drop, say, $5b and buy up all remaining available IP address space is no big deal. Then, anytime you boot up Win/XP2 you would be assigned an IP address from their pool (MS/DHCPv4) so that you could work on their new IP/XP2 network which used to be called the Internet. Of course every time you boot, your credit card would be debitted $1. After implementing IP/XP2 and amassing a war-chest of about $80b, I had heard they were interested in buying up initially all phone numbers in the United States since phone numbers should be converted to a free market approach. -Hank