actually most west european countries have laws against having your employees lift up stuff heavier than 20 kilos :P you generally don't have insurance on your network-dude to handle such things *grin* if it drops on his foot, you're screwed. (or worse, on his hand ;) looking at the latest models we found units weighing 110 kilos *grin* i'm not lifting -that- up. -- Greetings, Sven Olaf Kamphuis, CB3ROB Ltd. & Co. KG ========================================================================= Address: Koloniestrasse 34 VAT Tax ID: DE267268209 D-13359 Registration: HRA 42834 B BERLIN Phone: +31/(0)87-8747479 Germany GSM: +49/(0)152-26410799 RIPE: CBSK1-RIPE e-Mail: sven@cb3rob.net ========================================================================= <penpen> C3P0, der elektrische Westerwelle http://www.facebook.com/cb3rob ========================================================================= Confidential: Please be advised that the information contained in this email message, including all attached documents or files, is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the use of the individual or individuals addressed. Any other use, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. On Fri, 17 Feb 2012, Alain Hebert wrote:
Or sometimes you don't let a hazardous task like handling a Carrier Class Router to your CCNA in case they injure themself.
Or worst... drop it =D
( From an actual experience )
----- Alain Hebert ahebert@pubnix.net PubNIX Inc. 50 boul. St-Charles P.O. Box 26770 Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 6G7 Tel: 514-990-5911 http://www.pubnix.net Fax: 514-990-9443
On 02/17/12 02:29, Jeff Wheeler wrote:
Randy's P-Touch thread brings up an issue I think is worth some discussion. I have noticed that a lot of very well-paid, sometimes well-qualified, networking folks spend some of their time on "rack& stack" tasks, which I feel is a very unwise use of time and talent.
Imagine if the CFO of a bank spent a big chunk of his time filling up ATMs. Flying a sharp router jockey around to far-flung POPs to install gear is just as foolish.
Not only does the router jockey cost a lot more to employ than a CCNA, but if your senior-level talent is wasting time in airports and IBXes, that is time they can't be doing things CCNAs can't.
I was once advising a client on a transit purchasing decision, and a fairly-large, now-defunct tier-2 ISP was being considered. We needed a few questions about their IPv6 plans answered before we were comfortable. The CTO of that org was the only guy who was able to answer these questions. After waiting four days for him to return our message, he reached out to us from an airplane phone, telling us that he had been busy racking new routers in several east-coast cities (his office was not east-coast) and that's why he hadn't got back to us yet.
As you might imagine, the client quickly realized that they didn't want to deal with a vendor whose CTO spent his time doing rack& stack instead of engineering his network or engaging with customers. If he had simply said he was on vacation, we would never have known how poorly the senior people at that ISP managed their time.
With apologies to Randy, let the CCNAs fight with label makers.