Mehmet, Speaking strictly on their voice product, service has gone a bit downhill since the merger. We never had problems with Level3 before the merger. After Centurylink took over we started experiencing problems. Just a couple of examples: We waited months just to turn up a simple PRI. The PRI was sent back to design several times and then when it finally was turned up it isn’t working properly. The CL techs who were formally L3 express nothing but frustration with dealing with CL following the merger. Complaints to the account manager are met with just apologies and delays. International call routing has become unreliable. In the last month alone we have had to create several service requests related to call failures. The result after anywhere from a couple hours to a day is just hey we rerouted try again. Then it works for a couple days and back to call failures and intercept messages. I’ve already been asked if we should drop CenturyLink as the carrier and go back to using someone like AT&T. Never had any of these issue when it was Level3. Regards, Larry Brower, CCNP Collaboration, SSCA, RHCSA, CCDA, CCNA Communications Technician | Unified Communications Group Aramco Services Company Office: 713.432.4516 | Mobile: 832.570.5416 larry.brower@aramcoservices.com<mailto:larry.brower@aramcoservices.com> This email has been classified as: General Use by Brower, Larry on Wednesday, June 5, 2019 From: NANOG <nanog-bounces@nanog.org> On Behalf Of Mehmet Akcin Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 9:31 AM To: nanog <nanog@nanog.org> Subject: CenturyLink/Level3 feedback EXTERNAL: This email came from the Internet. Report this message to ASCSuspiciousEmail@aramcoservices.com<mailto:ASCSuspiciousEmail@aramcoservices.com> as suspicious if it contains any suspicious content. hi there, Just a general high-level question about Centurylink/Level3 post-merger, how is your overall experience with CenturyLink? if you could be sitting with the CEO of the company what is one thing you would ask him to fix? please keep it high level and general. i intend to pass these to him and his team in an upcoming meeting. Mehmet