On the inverse, routers--if designed properly, can be 10 times better because of lower overhead, cost effectiveness, etc. I don't think this is going to be a debate that one will win in this forum. There are many router only based backbones, such as ours, Digex, etc. Then there are the many on the fr/router side.. just as "effective" one might say.. rob
This is not exactly true. Frame Relay -- if designed properly, and with good frame switches -- can be - IMHO - 10's of times better.
Frame Relay allows yout he ability to psuedo-directly connection various pop's together, and gives that clean appearance of a 'no-hop' back bone. Why route when you can switch?
On Tue, 1 Jul 1997, Robert Bowman wrote:
layer 2 vs. layer 3
tis like comparing a motorcyle to an automobile--both get you places but in fairly different ways
I've noticed that several of the larger networks use frame-relay.
Why? Our experience with frame-relay with the local telco has had mixed results.
What technical advantages does a frame-relay network have over an IP routed network?