Thus spake "Donald Stahl" <don@calis.blacksun.org>
The upside is that in the block you're expected to accept /48s, nobody will have a /32. The downside is that anyone who gets a larger-than-minimum sized allocation/assignment can deaggregate down to that level.
I don't think ARIN is planning on giving out more less a /48 but more than a /32- at least that was the impression I got. End sites get a /48- ISP's get a /32 or larger- and that's it (I could certainly be wrong). As such, deaggragation in the /48 block should not be an issue because no one will have more than a /48 in the first place.
Current policy allows for greater-than-/48 PI assignments if the org can justify it. However, since we haven't told staff (via policy) what that justification should look like, they are currently approving all requests and several orgs have taken advantage of that. So, it's entirely possible someone could get a /40 and deaggregate that into 256 routes if they wanted to. Given the entire v6 routing table is around 700 routes today, it's obviously not a problem yet :) S Stephen Sprunk "Those people who think they know everything CCIE #3723 are a great annoyance to those of us who do." K5SSS --Isaac Asimov