While conserving connectivity? 😂 ________________________________ De : Shawn L via NANOG <nanog@nanog.org> Envoyé : mercredi 2 septembre 2020 13:15 À : nanog Objet : Re: Centurylink having a bad morning? We once moved a 3u server 30 miles between data centers this way. Plug redundant psu into a ups and 2 people carried it out and put them in a vehicle. Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 1, 2020, at 11:58 PM, Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 11:53 PM Alain Hebert <ahebert@pubnix.net> wrote:
   As a coincidence... I was *thinking* of moving a 90TB SAN (with mechanical's) to another rack that way... skateboard, long fibers and long power cords =D
well, what you REALLY need is one of these: Â https://www.cru-inc.com/products/wiebetech/hotplug_field_kit_product/
and 2-3 UPS... swap to the UPS, then just roll the stack over, plug to utility and done. (minus network transfer)