Hi, The easiest would be to contact the remote site directly. As you're having issues reaching them, they'll also have issues reaching you. If it's enough of an issue for them they should be happy to assist in fixing it. They should not only be aware of planned maintance, but also of other issues that may be affecting them. Having a support model in which anyone can call any NOC about a problem they're having does not scale very well. - marcel In message <20020329052305.Q54846-100000@workhorse.imach.com>, "Forrest W. Chri stian" writes:
I realize the original problem has been fixed, but I'd like to find out if someone does have a contact at UUnet which will help with these types of issues. In particular, when I've been having a problem reaching UUNet-connected sites and needed to contact the uunet noc, I get almost the same response as Mark did initially, i.e.:
On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Mark E. Mallett wrote:
I have contacted UUnet and have been told to take it up with my upstreams 'cuz they won't deal directly with me. They also said to have a nice day.
I realize I don't have a direct relationship with UUnet. But trying to get my upstream to talk to their upstream to talk to UUnet just to get someone at uunet to do a traceroute or tell me what is showing up in their (uunet's) BGP tables is just plain rediculous.
Does anyone have better contact information than "call their unhelpful noc"?
- Forrest W. Christian (forrestc@imach.com) AC7DE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The Innovation Machine Ltd. P.O. Box 5749 http://www.imach.com/ Helena, MT 59604 Home of PacketFlux Technogies and BackupDNS.com (406)-442-6648 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Protect your personal freedoms - visit http://www.lp.org/