Brian Wallingford wrote:
At the risk of sounding entirely un-politically correct, is it possible to query whois.nic.ad.jp for actual contact information, vs. just company name? Color me frustrated, but, even with the "/e" extension, nic.ad.jp has been nearly useless for many moons. This strikes me as somewhat irresponsible.
: > On Sun, 22 Oct 2000, Jason Slagle wrote: : > : > > Yes, but even geektools falls flat on it's face for lets say : > >
$ whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp ALLNET(TITUS COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION) ALLNET-CATV [ <->] $ whois -h whois.nic.ad.jp Network Information: a. [Network Number] b. [Network Name] ALLNET-CATV g. [Organization] ALLNET(TITUS COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION) j. [Address] JBP OVAL 8F, 52-2, Jingumae 5-Chome,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo m. [Administrative Contact] YO020JP n. [Technical Contact] YO020JP p. [Nameserver] ns1.allnet.ne.jp p. [Nameserver] ns2.allnet.ne.jp y. [Reply Mail] hira@allnet.ad.jp [Assigned Date] 1999/05/17 [Return Date] [Last Update] 1999/05/17 15:55:20 (JST) hira@allnet.ad.jp Use the value in "[Reply Mail]". The other thing you can do is to involve JPCERT on security related issues. From http://www.first.org/team-info/ JPCERT/CC Japan Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center Constituency: Internet community in Japan Email: info@jpcert.or.jp Telephone: +81 3-5575-7762 (9am - 5pm Monday to Friday, JST (GMT+0900)) Fax: +81 3-5575-7764 Membership Type: Full member Last Verified: 25 May 1999 Regards, Kevin