As Peter and I have mentioned, you'll need to register a geofeed with Google. An example can be downloaded from https://isp.google.com/static/downloads/example-geo-feed.csv and registered in the ISP Portal. Having said that, it may be worthwhile checking-in with your internal IP Network Operations team (if you don't have access to manage this). Being Qualcomm, I'd imagine relationships with Google would already exist. Regards, Christopher H. On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 18:28, Raja Sekhar Gullapalli <rajag@qti.qualcomm.com> wrote:
Hi Christopher,
It is used only in continental US & we also reported this issue to at noc@google.com.
Any further info to be provided to resolve this issue.
*From:* Christopher Hawker <chris@thesysadmin.au> *Sent:* Thursday, January 4, 2024 12:54 PM *To:* Raja Sekhar Gullapalli <rajag@qti.qualcomm.com> *Cc:* nanog@nanog.org *Subject:* Re: Issue with Geolocation in Lasvegas
*WARNING:* This email originated from outside of Qualcomm. Please be wary of any links or attachments, and do not enable macros.
Looks like (according to RDNS) it's a "global NAT" address. Is it only being used in the continental US, or other countries?
If the former, check that geofeeds are correctly configured and registered with Google in their ISP Portal.
If the latter, you're going to encounter issues.
Christopher H.
On Thu, 4 Jan 2024 at 18:14, Raja Sekhar Gullapalli via NANOG < nanog@nanog.org> wrote:
We are having issues in our lasvegas office & it shows geolocation in all browsers as Israel instead of US region when we access news.google.com in our PC.
Our public ip is
Can you help to whom we can contact to resolve the issue.