This is really old news...actually, I seem to recall that they would only accept /19 or shorter prefixes from former Class A & B space...I pressed Sprint for a /21 from the swamp (instead of the former Class A space /21 they initially assigned) because of Verio's policy, in fact. They must have softened the policy within the past year or so to /21 or shorter. On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:
It seems if I were one of their customers they would accept my 66.11.168/23 announcement and re-announce it to their peers, but they won't accept it from any of their peers.
Announcing a covering /20 along with the regional more specifics I have will only serve to increase the size of the routing table for most backbones, and lead to sub optimal routing in some cases since I'm announcing the more specifics due to geographical diversity.
Ralph Doncaster principal, IStop.com
James Smallacombe PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor up@3.am http://3.am =========================================================================