I work on the Helpdesk for the ISP I have at home and since *most* of them are fairly compotent I'd just call up or just head into work and do it myself. Then again I can't remember the last time I had to call them for a problem that was actually on their network. On the flip side we get the occasional call from some people I like to call "IT Professionals" who are usually clueless but like to think they know how to troubleshoot the issue and bypass the trouble shooting while demanding the problem be escalated to the wholesaler then look like a fool when it turns out to be a modem or internal cabling issue. Tech's who actually know what they're talking about are far easier to deal with and when everything relevant has been done it's logged or escalated with a minimum of fuss, I'd like to be able to add notes about customers actual clue but I don't think it'd go down well if it got out with peoples ego's and all. -- Thanks, Grant