C. A. Fillekes wrote:
I do not think that the closing of a service that's undergone multiple acquisitions by actual competitors is at all surprising. Did the closing of Alta Vista a couple years ago after its acquisition by Yahoo! spell the death of internet search? No.
Well, it's a bit hard to kill off internet searching. Because looking for stuff is pretty much everyone's main "raisin d'etre". It's not like you can replace searching with something else. You can replace email with another form of communication, but searching is searching... Since quite a number of years altavista.com searches are just submitted to search.yahoo.com and some time ago I noticed on yahoo's site the words "powered by bing". Does that mean yahoo's search engine has been abolished also and is being ran by microsoft (technology)? In that case the two main search engines of the 90s are dead. Nobody missed them though... Regards, Jeroen -- Earthquake Magnitude: 6.3 Date: Monday, April 2, 2012 17:36:43 UTC Location: Oaxaca, Mexico Latitude: 16.4769; Longitude: -98.2867 Depth: 12.30 km