I second the idea of google groups or some other group provider; Yahoo groups are known within many circles for having long email delays. Charles Wyble wrote:
Hiers, David wrote:
Hi NANOG, I'd like to announce the formation of a NANOG-knockoff group for voice operators, the Voice Operators' Group.
Very cool! :)
Voice network operators share many of the same challenges as IP network operators; we register with registrars (CILLI, OCN, and ACNA as well as ASN and DNS), route traffic (point codes as well as IP addresses), resolve names (CNAM as well as DNS), manage reachability (to countries, LATAs and NPA/NXXs as well as to IP networks), and deal with equipment issues.
Indeed we do!
NANOG has been so useful at the IP layer that it seems like a good idea to try to duplicate it a little further up the stack.
For now, the group is on Yahoo:
Of course, we're looking for a better place, name, and charter.
Might I recommend google groups, or puck.nether.org. An IPTV list was recently formed.
NAVOG works for me.