In message <199608260131.VAA65517@bugsy.aa.ans.net>, "Daniel W. McRobb" writes:
Curtis Villamizar <curtis@ans.net> wrote:
We have traced back such "clever" denial of service attacks before. Within the last 6 months even.
Have you forgotten that we log and keep track of source/destination pairs.
I sincerely wish you good luck doing that at OC-12. If you know a magic technology which can do that please let me know. Doing that at 10 kpps is not going to be a solution any time soon.
You're kidding, right? 10kpps has been doable (and done) for years. Did you forget a zero or two?
The vBNS folks are about to release an OC-3 header sniffer that runs on a Pentium box. Rumor has it that it'll handle OC-12 as well. There's a presentation of it on the USENIX agenda.
... Daniel, I'm not sure how your mailer got "Curtis Villamizar <curtis@ans.net> wrote:" stuck in there but you've attributed Vadim's comments about magic technology that goes over 10kpps and other statments of things being impossible to me. Curtis