If you have a city-based domain structure, then you have the problem of the address changing (or should change [...]
For some reason that I have never understood, whenever the idea of geographical domain names is mentioned, many people assume a restrictive scheme in which folk will be forced (or at least encouraged) to rename if they move. There is a spectrum of geographical domain naming schemes. At the restrictive end of the spectrum are schemes that force you to register a name associated with the area where you live or do business, and force you to relinquish your old domain name and register a new one if you move to a different geographical area. At the permissive of the spectrum are schemes that permit you to register domain names that are associated with geographical areas that you have never even visited, much less lived in. I happen to think that a fairly permissive geographical scheme makes sense. Let folk register theirname.country if they have a big enough presence in that country to satisfy whatever requirements are imposed by the country domain administrator (national companies and large universities would probably qualify). Let them register theirname.province.country if they have a big enough presence in that province/state to satisfy the requirements of the provincial/state domain administrator (medium sized companies and most universities would probably qualify). Otherwise let them register theirname.district.province.country or theirname.city.province.country if they live or have a business presence in the relevant district/county/town/city. Let the city authorities create a suburb.city.province.country level if they want to. Let sufficiently large, well-known or important geographical areas register higher up in the hierarchy than might otherwise be appropriate (for example, suburb.province.country instead of suburb.city.province.country, or city.country instead of city.province.country). Run all these in parallel, so that folk can choose between theirname.city.province.country and theirname.county.province.country if both domains are appropriate. Permit folk to keep their domain name if they move out of the area in which it was registered. Permit them to register in districts/cities where they don't live, at the discretion of the district domain administrator (for example, allowing folk who don't live in Hollywood to register theirname.hollywood.ca.us might lead to scaling problems, but allowing folk who don't live in Izotsha to register theirname.izotsha.kzn.za is much less likely to lead to scaling problems). --apb (Alan Barrett)