Greetings everyone - NANOG and ARIN are very happy to announce our 2nd back-to-back meetings, NANOG29 and ARIN XII: ----------------------------------- The 2003 Joint NANOG/ARIN Meetings ----------------------------------- October 19 - 24, 2003 Chicago, Illinois ----------------------------------- ARIN is the American Registry for Internet Numbers, www.arin.net. If you've never attended an ARIN meeting, take this opportunity to influence address assignment policy for N. America, a portion of the Caribbean, and sub-equatorial Africa. The striking thing about ARIN meetings is who's in front of the room -- for the most part it's users on the Advisory Council or Board of Trustees, not the ARIN staff. The community has the main voice in ARIN decision-making -- your input plays a huge role in policies for v4 and v6 address requests, allocations, assignments, abuse, and privacy. NANOG will meet Sunday - Tuesday, Oct. 19-21, and ARIN Wednesday - Friday, Oct. 22-24. Looking forward to seeing you then!