On Thu, 19 Jun 2014, Brian Hartsfield wrote:
I am going to be real interested to see how the media handles the situation when ARIN runs out of IPv4 addresses. I could really see some big doom and gloom stories hit some of the mainstream media when that occurs. While it isn't the end of the world when ARIN runs out, it is still significant and I personally think that moment is going to be what starts to spur more CIOs to start asking questions about IPv6 and if their organization is ready (and the answer likely being no)
IPv4 doom and gloom is just more irresponsible/un-informed journalism. ARIN getting close to running out of IPv4 addresses is not news. That this would eventually happen has been known for a very long time. Entities choosing to keep their heads in the sand and ignore that fact is another matter altogether. Were there (m)any "OMG WE'RE OUT OF IP ADDRESSES!!!1!111" articles when APNIC throttled final assignments down to one /22 per organization after they dipped into their last /8? Were there (m)any when RIPE got down to their last /8 jms