lists@mtin.net (Justin Wilson (Lists)) wrote:
I think it is going to have to happen. We have several folks on the IX and various consulting clients who only need 3-6 Ips but have to burn a full /24 to participate in BGP. I wrote a blog post awhile back on this topic https://blog.j2sw.com/data-center/unpopular-opinion-bgp-should-accept-smalle...
Justin, I'm not sure you're not confusing scope here. Everybody and their sister accept smaller blocks from their customers; we're all talking about the DFZ here, not customer routes that you aggregate. I would estimate most of the "consulting clients" have no need for multihoming. If they do, they can always use IP, and abandon legacy IP. Elmar. PS: I'm convinced we'll never agree to put longer prefixes into the DFZ. The gear everybody's using doesn't handle it well, and as people have stated before, there's just no incentive. I, personally, don't even take /24s in many places (sometimes cutting off at /20), but then I take defaults from my transits who have less ancient gear.