Henry Linneweh wrote:
are there any better tools that will accmoplish the same thing for win2k/xp users
If I would have to name one tool which would be more technically sound than RealMedia or WindowsMedia, I would have pick Cisco´s IP/TV. With all it´s issues, at least the it behaves well in varying network conditions, which cannot be said from either WM or RM. However, both RM and WM behave well in a robust, close-to-zero packet loss environment when the horribly broken RM´s retransmission algorithm nor the highly inefficient fragment-spitting of WM do not kill your media experience. Unfortunately in this, as in so many other cases, technical competency has nothing to do with product success. Pete
*/Petri Helenius <pete@he.iki.fi>/* wrote:
William Caban wrote:
>Are NANOG meetings webcasted? More specifically, Is NANOG29 going to be >webcasted/multicasted/netcasted? > > > NANOG meetings have typically very narrowband realmedia stream sent.