William Herrin writes:
The best path to me from Centurylink is: 3356 1299 20473 11875
The path Centurylink chose is: 3356 47787 47787 47787 47787 53356 11875 11875 11875
Do you want to tell me again how that's a reasonable path selection, or how I'm supposed to pass communities to either 20473 or 53356 which tell 3356 to behave itself?
What you want to do is pass communities to 3356 so they apply the same local-pref to routes from both paths, enabling as-path-length-based path selection to work. That means lowering their local-pref on the currently-chosen customer path via 47787 to match the local-pref on the their 1299 peer path. as3356's TE communities are listed in their IRR aut-num: AS3356 object: remarks: ---------------------------------------------------- remarks: customer traffic engineering communities - LocalPref remarks: ---------------------------------------------------- remarks: 3356:70 - set local preference to 70 remarks: 3356:80 - set local preference to 80 remarks: 3356:90 - set local preference to 90 remarks: ---------------------------------------------------- Those communities look like RFC1998. Thus presumably 3356's peer local-pref is 80, and you'll want to signal using 3356:80. As you make signaling changes you should use as3356's looking glass to confirm. as47787 and as53356 should pass your 3356:80 community along to as3356. If they don't do so, complain to them or vote with your feet. Jay B.