--- ckossmey@cisco.com wrote: From: Clay Kossmeyer <ckossmey@cisco.com> [...] we’re happy to discontinue sending to the NANOG list directly. -------------------------------------------------- Instead of discontinuing them how about one email that contains all the details, rather than one email per detail. Similar to what I sent to the list earlier. For example: ---------------------------------------------- The Semiannual Cisco IOS Software Security Advisory has been released. For information please goto this URL: http://www.cisco.com/web/about/security/intelligence/Cisco_ERP_mar14.html Advisory titles: - Session Initiation Protocol Denial of Service Vulnerability - Cisco 7600 Series Route Switch Processor 720 with 10 Gigabit Ethernet Uplinks Denial of Service Vulnerability - Internet Key Exchange Version 2 Denial of Service Vulnerability - Network Address Translation Vulnerabilities - SSL VPN Denial of Service Vulnerability - Crafted IPv6 Packet Denial of Service Vulnerability ----------------------------------------------- scott