Peer1 has a similar charge but actually labels it "LA Telecommunications Surcharge" or something to the effect. (David: Sorry for sending to you personally at first instead of to list). -- Jeffrey Lyon, President Level III Information Systems Technician jeffrey.lyon@blacklotus.net | http://www.blacklotus.net Black Lotus Communications of The IRC Company, Inc. Talk for 4h 45m from the U.S. to Latin America for $10.00: http://www.defensecalling.com On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 12:48 PM, David Hubbard <dhubbard@dino.hostasaurus.com> wrote:
From: Patrick Giagnocavo [mailto:patrick@zill.net]
Anyone else seeing this same behavior from Level3?
We're going on three months of trying to get billing issues resolved; and yes, no way to talk to a real person anymore, nor are there any sales reps left that have any interest in talking to their customers as far as I can tell. If it weren't for positive experiences with tech support, they would be Verizon.