On Sat, Nov 3, 2012 at 8:28 AM, Karl Auer <kauer@biplane.com.au> wrote:
- if you need to remember an IP address, you are doing it wrong
Because DNS always works flawlessly and you never need to remember IP addresses, right ?
- cultural sensitivity and plain good sense suggest that many words or combinations might not be a good idea. How do your female techs feel about "BAD:BABE"? Only marginally better than they feel about "B16:B00B:EEZ", probably. Your markets in India, with its 900 million Hindus, might take a dim view of "DEAD:BEEF". Etc.
I think you're looking for problems where there are none. I see nothing wrong with BAD:BABE or with DEAD:BEEF. Your thinking suggests that there are only good babes and live beef, which is wrong on so many levels. Positive discrimination is as bad as discrimination and it creates more problems than it solves. In India you can have beef steak at restaurants, so I see no problem with the term.
- clever addresses are guessable addresses for scanners, and highly identifiable in data as probably attached to high-value targets
What is a clever IP address ?