Hi. I wrote: ] > Did you contact a law enforcement agency? Did we comply with ] > their wishes? ] > It seems that you are asking for vigilantism, not cooperation. Kim wrote: ] What sort of law enforcement agency would contact uunet ? ] How about my local township police department ? Whatever law enforement agency has jurisdiction. If the attacked server is within their jurisdiction, that would be a good place to start. Potentially you will have to escalate this to the FBI, as they seem to be pretty savvy to computer crimes, on a relative scale. Law enforcement agencies _do_ contact providers, and do catch folk. Read any popular book about shimomura and mitnick to see an instance. (legal tramplings not withstanding) I make no bones about this being a difficult problem, and I don't mean to infer that Mr Hawn was attacking UUNET or advocating that an ISP "retaliate". I apologize that this came across this way. However, the more general theme seems to infer that providers of service should maintain some level of responsibility for what their users do. This scares me, in the "real world". -alan