Aside from the ones already mentioned, troubleshooting books are a great asset, also. Here are some of my favorites: http://www.amazon.com/Network-Analysis-Troubleshooting-Scott-Haugdahl/dp/020... http://www.amazon.com/Troubleshooting-Campus-Networks-Practical-Protocols/dp... http://www.amazon.com/Network-Maintenance-Troubleshooting-Guide-Solutions/dp... <- just ordered the 2nd edition, after having browsed it at a friend ***Stefan Mititelu http://twitter.com/netfortius http://www.linkedin.com/in/netfortius On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 9:02 AM, Express Web Systems <mailinglists@expresswebsystems.com> wrote:
So, what are you having your up-and-coming NOC staff read?
While not specifically a NOC book, we find that it lays a great foundation to build from (if, perhaps, a bit basic in certain areas):
Network Warrior by Gary A. Donahue
This is a great book with an easy to read style.
Tom Walsh