RedHAT do not allow to run an attachment, even if attachment wish to be runned - it uses 'x' flag which is not attachment's attribute. Linus useers are niot Administrator's, so virus can not infect the whole system,... Etc etc.... (Why RedHAT? It is the worst Lunux amongs all. Use SuSe or Mandrake).
: They rate of it is quite surprising. By the description, the trick / : method of infection does not seem all that different than past worms : viri. Makes me wonder how many people in a room would reach into
: purse/pocket on hearing, "Wallet inspector"
Every single person that still opens these damn attachments! :-( IN WINDOWS!
So? Had the virii been an application compiled for RedHat and everyone ran RedHat instead of Windows and they downloaded it using Evolution and double clicked on it, it would suddenly be RH's fault instead of MIcrosoft's? Or is it sendmail's fault because it was listening on port 25 and allowed the worm to connect to it? Newsflash: Even those using Netscape Mail, Lotus Notes, etc. on the PC were still potentially infected due to the nesting of the virii.
The worm was not spread through any vulnerability in the operating system, unlike NIMDA/SQLSlammer/etc. This worm was propogated through pure user
stupidity, and
that'll follow any operating system that Dell/Gateway pre-installs for them. If everyone wants to flame MS, at least do it in a way that doesn't show your own ignorance.