At 11:38 29/05/01, Sean M. Doran wrote:
Irwin Lazar <ILazar@tbg.com> writes
| In our | area, we're also seeing a lot of pushback against the continued tearing up | of streets to lay additional fiber, so QoS may become the only option to | meet required service levels.
The correct way of solving this was demonstrated in Stockholm and duplicated in a handful of Canadian cities. In the first case, the City of Stockholm "nationalized" the laying down of dark fibre in the city, and formed an agency (http://www.stokab.se/english/) which provides unlit/unrepeated/unamplified dark fibre between any pair of addresses in Stockholm at cost as a public utility.
At least some US cities are following the lead of Stockholm. Palo Alto, CA is one example. Others exist. The common thread seems to be city-owned/operated monopolies for water/electricity/etc -- so they can reduce install cost by just laying fibre whenever they are already trenching for electricity/water/etc maintenance. Ran rja@inet.org