On 19/Jun/16 10:17, Saku Ytti wrote:
But I do think, that if L3 to the edge had no commercial problems, people would universally choose to do it. L2VPN is just workaround to a commercial problem. Sometimes (residential access) to a technical problem (how do I share my IPv4 space effectively).
I think we are getting there now, with the ASR920 and friends. And who knows, with Arista now playing in the IP/MPLS space, they might make a switch worth its name against the traditional routing vendors. You must also consider that there are a number of engineers that generally prefer tunnels. I know it sounds silly, but I've come across several engineers who prefer the idea of centralizing services over a tunnel to a single box where the intelligence happens. I suppose the passion is as much the same as engineers who like MPLS vs. those that don't. But because Layer 2 switches will always be cheaper than IP/MPLS switches, I don't see this problem going away, even if an IP/MPLS switch cost US$200/unit vs. a Layer 2 switch which cost US$150/unit. Mark.