i I hope that the SBC folk will correct this soon.
I assume the switch happened? In any case, there are no DNS servers listed for the in-addr records of these two blocks; is this by design?
On Thu, Feb 14, 2002 at 01:08:37PM -0500, renster wrote:
Thanks Bill!
Just one clarification - participants were told this would happen on 6-March.
From the note sent out to participants on Monday: PBNAP-SF - 198.32.128.x will become: 206.223.120.x PBNAP-LA - 198.32.129.x will become: 206.223.121.x
If you are a participant and didn't get a copy of the note with dial-in number for the maint. window drop me a line and I'll put you in touch with the folks at the NAP.
Cheers, -ren
At 06:21 PM 2/14/2002 +0000, bmanning@karoshi.com wrote:
I've just been told that SBC/PacBell is in process of renumbering the PacBell exchanges in Oakland and LA. So you should not see either or in your traceroutes or from your peers as of 28 feb 2002.