On 5 April 2015 at 20:43:24, Mohamed Kamal (mkamal@noor.net) wrote:
and hence being implemented on IOS-XR within the Cisco environment today
I disagree! .. Engineering is all about optimization, and using an ASR1k (which is being marketed as an "edge/PE router") in my edge doesn't mean that my network is not a "high-scale environment", it does mean that it fits my needs in this location, where other IOS-XR (ASR9k) fits in others. Plus, PCEP is no magic, Juniper's MX series starting from the vMX is supporting PCEP. They didn't claim that, a "higher-scale environment" is being required for this. I did not say that a high-scale environment is required. Just that as far as I have seen a number of deployments (e.g., Internet core/peering-edge) that are stating requirements for TE+PCEP are of the traffic scale that XR boxes are likely to be more widely deployed. IMHO, it’s this that means that XR is seeing the *first* implementations. Some very large networks (including some that I have responsibility for) make extensive use of IOS XE, and hence there are also requests for PCEP implementations there. I encourage you to request it of Cisco too! r.