Bill, -- However, I always alike to be a bit contrarian and point out that QoS or Multicast may never be needed because of the explosive growth of fiber bandwidth. I believe, in the future, it will be a lot easier and cheaper to deploy bandwidth rather than manage complex router/switch technology to support QoS/CoS. -- I think this is a myth, at least for now - the production of fiber in the world was 1.25 million fiber miles short of demand last year and is expeced to be about the same this year. IN addition rights of way are getting rather hard to obtain. WDM will be a great help but it does not cause fiber to be run into Seattle. The cost of putting down fiber is still very high (particularally across the ponds) and even with WDM the cost of bandwidth will continue to be high. Yes the cost should drop (assuming that it is not kept high by other things like telco or government policies) but we ain't going to see "bandwidth too cheap to measure" (as someone put it on comm-priv 2 years ago) in any timeframe that will let the Internet community avoid looking at QoS as a very real issue. Scott .