On Jul 20, 2015, at 06:21 , Joe Greco <jgreco@ns.sol.net> wrote:
Why not set up a small Asterisk box in a local datacenter and only trunk = out the non-local calls?
And do what with the local calls, then? You're still left with the problem of getting calls to and from the PSTN.
Not everyone wants to deal with the hassle of dealing with POTS or T1 gatewaying. In general, it isn't practical to do on a small scale any more, especially as one looks forward a few years to the inevitable dismantling of the legacy POTS network.
If you’re going to the PSTN, who gives a shit where you do the interconnect as long as its within 100ms. If most of your calls are VOIP<->VOIP within Chicago, then it makes some sense to set up a box and just send the external calls out to the trunking provider where you no longer really care where they are. Absent significant network suckage, there’s no place in the contiguous US that isn’t within 100 ms of any other place in the contiguous US these days. Owen