Anyone ever heard anything about PPP over Ethernet? Is there an encapsulation standard for it?
There have been other replies already, but I thought I would start afresh. PPP is meant for point to point (serial) links, and is "optimised" (I am being generous) for those links. There is no reason that you should not be able to run PPP or even SLIP between two endpoints over Ethernet - it is just that very few people do it. A number of vendors support PPP on a TCP port so that you can transparently forward a modem session over a network to a terminal server. Personal experience shows that the Ascend MAX4000 does this well. Otherwise, it depends what you want to do. If you want to move PDUs across an IP network in a transparent fashion, you have L2TP (IETF), L2F (Cisco), PPTP (M$/Ascend) or ATMP (Ascend) for VPN solutions. IPSec might work - havn't read the vpn.8 manual page on OpenBSD recently, but last time I tried I did not have enough experience or information to make it work. Let me know the application in private (or public - I don't mind but readers of NANOG might) e-mail and I will cogitate. Peter