From what I understand of MCI's peering agreement, you have to come into at least 3 NAPs with DS3 bandwidth or better to even be considered to peer. So, I think if you peer with MCI, you'd definitely carry enough weight with them that they'd take an interest with what problems you have.
Joe Shaw - jshaw@insync.net NetAdmin - Insync Internet Services "Learn more, and you will never starve." - Paraphrase of Lee On Thu, 26 Jun 1997 Robert_Gutierrez@3com.com wrote:
OK, here's a scenario for you. Traceroute fails inside MCI somewhere. So you call your upstream, and said upstream only has a peering relationship with MCI -- ie: not a paying customer. I'm under the impression that unless you're a paying customer, then (to quote a 70's phrase) "you don't have nothin' comin'".
For those ISP/IBP's out there, can a BGP peer open a trouble ticket with you to have a problem looked at? Or does the "paying customer" have to open the TT. What if I can't get the "paying customer" to open up the TT (ie: you think I can get sex.com to open a TT with their upstream, as if they would care longer than the time to hit the "D" key on my message).