In message <9601291837.AA01730@ginger.lcs.mit.edu>, Noel Chiappa writes:
We can also limit the amount of routing overhead by providing configured AAB boundaries for a given multihomed site which enclose a path between the primary and secondary providers. Since this will in some cases require cooperation among multiple providers, as well as either i) massive amounts of manual mechanical configuration bookkeeping, or ii) automated tools we don't have yet, don't hold you breath for that one either.
Noel, You may not have to wait as long as you think. The slides below were presented at the most recent RPS WG meeting: ftp://ftp.ans.net/pub/papers/slides/rps/aggregation.ps ftp://ftp.ans.net/pub/papers/slides/rps/aggr-methods.ps The idea is to provide a means to specify the aggregation boundary within the IRR and provide the tools to transform that specification into router configurations. I'm not sure the slides are entirely self explanitory, but I think they convey the general idea. This work is progressing. Gradually, but it is progressing. ANS should have working code to do this deployed by next IETF. This code will enable ANS to do much better aggregation that we now do regardless as to whether other providers buy into the idea. To accomplish the type of multiprovider cooperation you refer to above, it is a matter of getting someone else doing the same thing, or something similar enough that we have someone to cooperate with. Curtis