-----Original Message----- From: owner-nanog@merit.edu [mailto:owner-nanog@merit.edu]On Behalf Of Kevin Day Sent: April 30, 2001 6:38 PM To: Dan Hollis Cc: 'nanog@merit.edu' Subject: Re: black hat .cn networks
Time to drop AS4134. Is that the right AS number? ARIN and APNIC have no knowledge of it... RIPE
ARIN seems to have knowledge of it from here, and that does seem right: vivienm@amethyst:~$ whois -a 4134 Data Communications Bureau (ASN-CHINALINK) 40, Xue Yuan Lu Beijing 100083 CN Autonomous System Name: CHINALINK Autonomous System Number: 4134 Coordinator: Wan, Jun (JW221-ARIN) dstanton@HQ.SI.NET (861)-201-2994 (FAX) (861)-205-3995 Record last updated on 01-Dec-1994. Database last updated on 28-Apr-2001 22:45:44 EDT. The ARIN Registration Services Host contains ONLY Internet Network Information: Networks, ASN's, and related POC's. Please use the whois server at rs.internic.net for DOMAIN related Information and whois.nic.mil for NIPRNET Information. Vivien -- Vivien M. vivienm@dyndns.org Assistant System Administrator Dynamic DNS Network Services http://www.dyndns.org/