On Sun, Apr 13, 2008 at 10:09 PM, Joel Jaeggli <joelja@bogus.com> wrote:
MAAWG, is fine but the requirements for participation are substantially higher than the nanog list.
* Quite a lot of ISPs who already attend nanog are also maawg members * Lots of independent tech experts (Dave Crocker, Chris Lewis, Joe St.Sauver from UOregon etc) are regulars at maawg, designated as senior tech advisors * Quite a few other invited guest type people So, not as bad as it sounds
People who have operational problems don't generally get to pick the skillset they already have just because a problem appears, some cognizance of that is surely in order.
That was the only meta comment I had here. I'll stop now. srs -- Suresh Ramasubramanian (ops.lists@gmail.com)