I don't think he wants the domain. The problem is Godaddy listing NS records for some domains (for any reason) to only DNS servers that were all down or didn't exist. The entry of only lame DNS servers is an inconclusive situation and doesn't let a message be permanently rejected as spam; it's indistinguishable from a temporary failure of all that domain's DNS servers. It also causes (hopefully non-fatal) problems for hosts looking up the contacting host's ip, like wasteful repeated queries. This is not good behavior on the registrar's part; Godaddy would almost be better seving the internet community by ignoring spam and doing nothing, or forwarding reports to ISPs rather than introducing lame DNS zones. Registrars aren't really in a place to be able to stop spam; the spammer can simply use any domain or have their reverse zone changed accordingly, if they have custom reverse. But for a registrar to do their best.. by pulling domains where they have proof the owner has performed or authorized spam, they should pull the domain from the TLD zone entirely and let the response be NXDOMAIN. A NXDOMAIN response allows the mail server to definitively reject the message and move on. -- -J On Sun, Nov 16, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Rohan Sheth <rohan@rs3net.net> wrote:
Name has been suspended for "supposed" abuse by the godaddy abuse team.
I believe the only recourse is to email abuse@godaddy.com (cc president@godaddy.com) asking what they want to release the domain to you. I believe the usual charge is like $75 or so.