21 Aug
21 Aug
8:01 p.m.
On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 15:46:22 EDT, Vinny Abello <vinny@tellurian.com> said:
I just stumbled across something I thought was interesting. All the .mil domain names used by the U.S. Military are served by one single root server. I thought that was a bit odd. I'm sure that one server is more than
The fact that you only see one doesn't mean there's only one. And note that the .MIL domain perhaps has a vested interest in *NOT* having a fully redundant view of the world accessible from outside. Sure, it's one point of failure - but if you're battening down the hatches because of an attack, it's also a one-stop place to cut yourself off.... -- Valdis Kletnieks Computer Systems Senior Engineer Virginia Tech