] Please put a ":-)" in when you're being humourous. That one was subtle ] enough that I just about laughed coffee out my nose. Coffee abuse! Coffee abuse! :) Well said, re: RFC1918 and filtering. For those of you looking to automate some of your filtering, please visit the Bogon Route-Server Project page: <http://www.cymru.com/BGP/bogon-rs.html> It isn't perfect, but it does help. Suggestions and feedback are always welcome! ] Don't underestimate script kiddies. If you leave a door wide open, they ] WILL walk through. Indeed. It's amazing how folks continue to dismiss the script kiddies while I've seen those same script kiddies "own" over 500K devices since 01 JAN 2003. What a bunch of lamers, they should have owned 1M devices by now, eh? :| -- Rob Thomas http://www.cymru.com ASSERT(coffee != empty);