Usweful mail can come anywhere; moreover, if I have business conversations with someone from, on example, east.ru, I'd like to be sure I receive all mail from them, no important if some crazy system declare them as the _open relay_. I am amazing more and more... As we are saying, Don't to drop out the child with the water. Spam is not good issue; and everyone is welcome to fight with it; but this fight create more spam and disturm just more people then if someone simple type _D_ or install smart filter to decrease the priority of the junk mail (so that you see it with the notifications _below is possibly a junk mail, drop it out at once?_). This (nanog) mail list is an excellent example. I receive about 10 - 20 junk mails/day, and waste about 10 seconds to remove this mail; but I read about 10 - 20 spam-concerning messages in this _no spam concerning_ mail list every day, and it takes about 5 - 10 minutes... There is a difference. Just ODBS - I already waste d about 20 minutes to found all their detecting systems and filter them out - because I don't want to allow them to scan our (sorry, I am not their employee anymore, but I was last monts), RELCOM.net, mail relays... I prefere to have a littl;e more spam, but don't have this discussions and crazy systems at all. RBL system was sufficient enougph for 99% cases. On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Derek J. Balling wrote:
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 11:39:19 -0800 From: Derek J. Balling <dredd@megacity.org> To: Alex P. Rudnev <alex@virgin.relcom.eu.net>, Roeland M.J. Meyer <rmeyer@mhsc.com> Cc: 'William Allen Simpson' <wsimpson@greendragon.com>, nanog@merit.edu Subject: RE: ARIN whois
At 08:38 PM 11/23/99 +0300, Alex P. Rudnev wrote:
If you protect yourself from open relays too hard, you really protect yourself from the usefull mail. It's reality.
Useful mail doesn't come from open relays.
At least not in the manner in which I (and others) define useful.
The best way to stop the SPAM is to turn your computer off. There is many reasons why someone hold open relay; while this relay don't send you spam, it's not your business... many providers simpli filter open relay detectors out (such as ODBS), moreover, an attempt to use this _crazy_ (active) lists results in the loss e-mail and can't be used by the serious companies.
You think too far into the box. The best way to stop spam is to turn off the spammers' computers.
Aleksei Roudnev, (+1 415) 585-3489 /San Francisco CA/