Jay Ashworth wrote:
Here's a link to a post from VZN's public policy blog, about Netflix.
Now, just as a matter of principle, I tend to assume that anything VZN says in public is a self-serving lie based on a poor understanding of the Real World... but I did in fact read it.
The money quote:
One might wonder why Netflix and its transit providers were the only ones that ran into congestion issues. What it boils down to is this: these other transit and content providers took steps to ensure that there was adequate capacity for their traffic to enter our network.
"their traffic".
What, Verizon: Netflix is just sending you that traffic uninvited?
No: that's *your customers traffic*. You *knew* that there would be asymmetrical amounts of traffic flowing downhill to your customers, *or you wouldn't have provisioned nearly uniformly asymmetrical last mile links to them*.
Let me preface this by saying that I'm in no way an apologist for Verizon - I've spent a lot of my life in the municipal networking world, and Verizon's lobbying against muncipal fiber builds makes them the enemy in many regards. But, as a FIOS customer, I'm impressed by their levels of service, and as a network engineer and policy wonk it seems only fair to point out the following: Verizon is claiming that delays between Netflix and FIOS customers result from a) the transit network between Netflix and Verizon being congested, and/or b) the connection between the transit network and Verizon is congested. A little experimentation validates this: Traffic from my FIOS home router flows through alter.net and xo.net before hitting netflix. Now alter.net is now owned by Verizon, but when I run traceroutes, I see all the delays starting halfway through XO's network -- so why is nobody pointing a finger at XO? I'll also note that traffic to/from google, and youtube (also google of course) seems to flow FIOS - alter.net - google -- with no delays. So again, why aren't Netflix and Verizon pointing their fingers at XO. This is the classic asymmetric peering situation - which raises a legitimate question of who's responsible for paying for the costs of transit service and interconnections? And, of course, one might ask why Netflix isn't buying a direct feed into either alter.net or FIOS POPs, and/or making use of a caching network like Akamai, as many other large traffic sources do on a routine basis. Personally, I think Netflix is screwing the pooch on this one, and pointing the finger at Verizon as a convenient fall guy. Miles Fidelman -- In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice, there is. .... Yogi Berra